Using Marks |
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If you solve a Sudoku with paper and pencil, you will possibly use small numbers or dashes to mark cells that cannot be clearly solved yet. You have this option with MaaTec Sudoku, too. To add a mark to a cell, select the corresponding value in the selection bar. Then click the cell with the middle mouse button (resp. the mouse wheel) or with the left mouse button while holding the Ctrl-key on the keyboard. The selected value will be added as a small mark to the cell. You can repeat this with additional values. To remove a mark from a cell, select the value in the selection bar and click the cell with the middle mouse button again. To remove all marks from a cell at once, click it with the right mouse button. With the Reset Marks command in the Help menu you can remove all marks from all cells.
Note: You can interchange the mouse buttons that are used for removing and for marking via the Settings Dialog.
As text marks become unreadable in larger Sudokus, the application will display a marking grid for Sudoku puzzles that are larger than 16x16 cells. You can use the Game Help page of the Settings dialog to use this marking grid for smaller Sudoku sizes as well.
Instead of setting marks manually, you can let the program display all possible values in every empty cell. Open the Game Help page of the Settings dialog and check the Display all possible values for each cell option. You can hide some or all automatic marks via marking filters to get a clearer view of the possible values. To hide all marks, click the empty cell in the selection bar with the marking button (middle mouse button or Ctrl + left mouse button). Click the empty cell again to redisplay all marks. To display only the marks for a single value, click this value in the selection bar with the marking button (e.g. the 7 in the image on the left). By clicking further values in the selection bar, you can add their marks to the view. You can also hide and redisplay automatic marks in individual cells. As with manual marks, select the value in the selection bar and click the cell with the marking button. Finally you can use the Reset Marks command in the Help menu to reset all filters and redisplay all automatic marks.