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Sudoku Pictures

This page contains additional pictures of the MaaTec Sudoku game. The screenshots display different examples of customized Sudoku standard boards. You can click the pictures to view them in full size.

Settings dialog with arabic-indic numerals
The Fonts page of the Settings dialog with arabic-indic numerals for Sudokus up to 9x9.
Sudoku with arabic-indic numerals
A 9x9 Sudoku with arabic-indic numerals (from 9 to 1).
Sudoku with markers
A Sudoku with manually set marker numbers. These can be added and removed with the middle mouse button (or via Ctrl+left click).
Sudoku with automatically set markers
For this Sudoku the 'Display all possible values for each cell' option on the Game Help page of the Settings dialog was activated.
Sudoku with dark colors
A Sudoku with light numbers on a dark background.
12x12 Sudoku with two-digit numbers
A 12x12 Sudoku that uses the 'MaaTec Sudoku' font to display two-digit numbers instead of letters.


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