Report Settings(Pro Version) |
Home > Reference > Dialogs > Settings Dialog > Report Settings |
The Report Settings page inside the Settings dialog: Use this page to set the schedule, directory, and format of a report. Additionally go to the Report Data page to configure the contents of the report. |
Use the day of week check boxes to enable or disable the generation of reports on the corresponding days. |
The Start time sets the time when the first report will be started. The End time indicates the time on and after which no new report will be started on the same day. So if you set 10:00 as start time and 12:00 as end time for reports that are started every 60 min. for 60 min., you will get 2 reports every day. One running from 10:00 till 11:00 and one running from 11:00 till 12:00. If you use the same period for 45 min. reports that are started every 45 min., you will get 3 reports (10:00-10:45, 10:45-11:30, 11:30-12:15). |
Here you set the frequency for starting reports (every ... minutes) and the duration of each report (for ... minutes). Report schedules may overlap (e.g. start a report every 30 minutes for 60 minutes). Note: If you start a report via the command line together with the one-time (-o) option, all schedule settings except for the duration will be ignored (see Advanced Report Topics). |
The File Prefix will be used together with the start time and date when the report is saved to disk. The format of the filename is: '[File Prefix] YYYY-MM-DD HHhMM.txt' (e.g.: 'MTNA Report 2003-11-01 10h00.txt' for a report that was started on November the 1st, 10:00). This format of date and time ensures a chronological order of the files in alphabetical sorted explorer windows or directory listings. In the Directory edit box you can set the directory in which the reports will be stored. If the directory does not exist, it will be created when the first report is started. Click the button on the right to open a directory selection dialog. The Title will be used as title for the generated reports. If you do not want to have a title, leave the edit box empty. |
The Max. Lines per Table edit box allows to limit the lines of data that will be contained in the report tables. Set this value to zero to disable the line limit and to include all data in the report. Use the Format options to set the report format. Choose Tab separated text for plain text reports that can be easily imported into other applications. Choose HTML to generate an appealingly formatted report that also may contain charts (see Report Data). The style of HTML reports can be modified (see Advanced Report Topics). You can choose to generate XHTML compatible reports by checking the XHTML compatible option. The Options section allows to switch report details on and off. Include Time and Titles will add the report running time and the used statistics modules to the report. Include Column Heading adds a heading row to the data tables. And Include Total will add a row with the sum of all collected data to the tables. Note: The 'Total' row will actually display the total of the collected data and not the column sum! Due to table line limitation (see above) and rounding errors these values may be different. |