Report Data(Pro Version) |
Home > Reference > Dialogs > Settings Dialog > Report Data |
The Report Data page inside the Settings dialog: You set the contents of a report on this page. Use the Report Settings page to configure the schedule and directory of the report. |
You can create reports with multiple tables and charts. The buttons at the top of the dialog page are used to select the table that you want to configure. To include a table in the report, you need to check the Enable box on the right. Currently enabled tables are marked with a green LED on their button. Tables that are marked with a red LED will not be included in the report. The Statistics Module combo box contains all available statistics modules that can be used for reports. You can use the Module Filter combo boxes to limit the number of statistics modules that are displayed in the Statistics Module drop list. If you change the statistics module, the value list on the left will be updated to contain all available display values supported by the new statistics module. If you selected a statistics module of the same group, the list of columns (on the right) will not change, otherwise it will be filled with the values that were selected the last time this module was used. |
The Values list contains all available values (columns) that can be contained in a report table with the currently selected statistics module. To add values to the column list, select one or more items and click the Add button. To add a single value, you can double-click it as well. The new values will be added to the column list after the currently selected column. |
The Columns list contains the selected value columns that will be contained in the generated report table (see also Generating Reports). To remove columns, select one or more rows and click the Remove button. To change the sequence of value columns use the Up and Down buttons. In the sort column of the table you can select by which column the reported data will be sorted and whether to use ascending or descending order. This setting is particularly important if you limited the number of lines per table for the report on the Report Settings page. If no column is selected for sorting the report will contain the data in the order it was received from the network. If you include the column headings in the report, the name of the column that was used for sorting will be marked with a little arrow: (^) for ascending order or (v) for descending order. Optionally you can add a chart for every column that contains numerical data (charts will not be generated for text-only reports - see Report Settings). The chart type and size are selected in the Chart column (see Report Charts for more details). In the Chart Entries column you can select the maximum number of bars or pie slices that the chart will display. The values in the chart will always be sorted in descending order. Note: The maximum number of bars or pie slices per chart is fifteen. If more data was collected the chart will contain an additional bar or slice labeled 'Other' that shows the sum of all other data values that are not displayed. Also pie charts will only display values that exceed 3% (large pie chart) or 5% (small pie chart) of the total values, as otherwise the labels would overlap. |
The Add button will add all selected display values in the value list to the column list on the right. The Remove button will remove all selected rows from the column list. |
The Up button moves a selected row in the column list one position up. This means that the corresponding column in the report will be moved one position to the left. The Down button moves a selected row one position down. |