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Always on top: This command toggles the window positioning behavior. If 'Always on top' is enabled, the application window will stay in front of all other desktop windows even when it loses the window focus (when you activate another window).
Hide when minimized: If this option is enabled and you minimize the application windows, the application's taskbar button will be removed and an icon will be added to the system tray. Double-click the icon to restore the Network Analyzer window.
Easy Statistics Mode: This command toggles between an easy statistics mode and an advanced statistics mode. By default the easy statistics mode is enabled. It reduces the number of available statistics modules for the real-time statistics and the network load over time statistics and displays more comprehensible names for the modules. The advanced user can switch off this mode. This way it is possible to use many more statistics modules for more advanced uses (e.g. analyzing lower layer protocol distribution). But to use this mode, you should be familiar with usual network terms like layers and the different types of addresses that are used in a network.
Auto-Update Address DB: Usually the network analyzer will use the information from ethernet headers and DNS, NetBIOS-NS, and DHCP packets to add new addresses and address names to the address database. While this is very convenient for most analyzing tasks, it may increase the amount of required memory. If this is not desired (e.g. for long-term reports), this behavior can be switched off here. While the auto-update of the address database is switched off, any address that is not found in the database will be displayed with a default name (e.g. 'Internet (v4)' or 'LAN'). This will also reduce the size of reports and statistics lists.
Auto-Start Collection: If Auto-Start
is enabled, the network analyzer will start collecting packets as soon
as a new packet list or statistics window is opened. If this option is
disabled, you need to use the Collect > Start command or click the
Start collect button in the toolbar to start collecting
Customize: This command opens the Customize dialog. You can use this dialog to modify multiple aspects of the Network Analyzer's GUI including menus, toolbars, and keyboard shortcuts.