Modifying the configuration files

The MaaTec Network Analyzer uses a number of configuration files for decoding and displaying network packets. The files should have been installed to the same directory as the Network Analyzer application. If you change these files, you need to restart the application. Currently the following files are used:



This file contains vendor or manufacturer codes that are used to create better readable names for MAC addresses. You can add codes to the list in the following format: start with 6 hexadecimal digits for the vendor code followed by a short description. A complete list of up to date vendor codes can be found at


This file contains TCP and UDP port numbers and corresponding protocol names and descriptions. These are used by the TCP and UDP decoders and filters. Every line should start with a port number in either decimal or hexadecimal (use 0x as prefix) format. Then follows a protocol name that must not contain any spaces and a short description. Any line that does not start with a digit is supposed to be a comment. An up to date list of assigned TCP and UDP port numbers can be found at


This file uses the same format as the tcp.ports file. It contains only port numbers that are not assigned to the same protocol as in the tcp.ports file.


This file is used to map IPX socket values to their corresponding protocol names and descriptions. It has the same format as the tcp.ports file.


Note: If you frequently use vendor codes or common port numbers that are missing in the lists, you may send an email to, so that these numbers can be added to the lists.